4 Jul /19

An Idea for Corporate Crime

An Idea for Corporate Crime and the Need of Scalable and Secure Translation Solutions
An Idea for Corporate Crime and the Need of Scalable and Secure Translation Solutions – EVS Translations

Looking at crime in general, it all seems pretty cut and dry. Consider a different environment though, one where the legal lines begin to blur, and the differing participants can have differing reports and paperwork from differing jurisdictions in multiple languages. This is the world of corporate crime.

Delving into issues like corruption, fraud, wage dumping, pollution, branding, and intellectual property, corporate crime, as opposed to much simpler blue- and white-collar crime, which typically only involves individuals and is more straight-forward in nature, can be much harder to prove or, for that matter, disprove. Naturally, this means that having and using information at the right time as well as an understanding of the law is key. Thanks to reporting requirements, lack of information seems to never be a problem; on the contrary, if anything there is too much information in too many languages.

The underlying questions are: how do you get the information you need; how do you quickly and accurately get it into the language you need; and, in doing this, how can you guarantee security and confidentiality?

No matter how much laws harmonise, the adage that “every case is different” is still correct. While e-discovery may be the logical starting point, it can easily become untenable, producing thousands of pages of stored information in multiple languages. Beyond just the quantity, the quality of case-specific information matters. In order to assure that you’re getting the information that you need in a timely matter, it’s important to have a customisable e-discovery plan that includes the legal-specific linguistic experience of a Language Services Provider, the organizational skills of a project management team, and the collection and processing skills of an IT team that is experienced in dealing with databases of all sizes.

As mentioned before, e-discovery may have produced all of the documentation that you need, but if that documentation is in multiple languages and you’re unable to access it when you need it, it’s not helping your case. The solution for rapid and cost-effective translation of data is machine translation. Much like e-discovery, machine translation solutions have to be tailored to reflect the needs of the individual client. For example, high demand clients may require platform solutions for translation management, long-term clients may prefer machines trained to translate with customer-specific content, or clients needing optimal-quality translations may need neural machine translations which utilize engines that are constantly trained with data from leading companies and industry-specific organisations. Additionally, since no machine is perfect, it’s essential to have a post-editor who is willing to verify the quality of any machine-translated output.

Finally, there is the issue of security. Dealing with outside expertise is always a risk: how can you be sure that your data is being used in a secure and confidential way? For many international companies, especially those who conduct business in Europe, the bedrock is compliance with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which includes steps such as mandatory e-mail encryption, requirements and regulations for the storage, handling, and destruction of data, and database access restrictions. On a company-specific level, the use of differing levels of security clearances in order to restrict access to sensitive information and the implementation of company-wide NDAs should be considered as an added layer of security.

Attempting to juggle these 3 needs from different providers is not a recipe for success for your company or your clients and, in many cases, there’s little time to try and develop a customised solution on your own; however, choosing a single provider doesn’t mean resigning yourself to a mediocre provider that doesn’t- or can’t- fully meet your needs. An experienced industry presence in Europe and North America for more than 25 years, EVS Translations is robust enough to have the capacity to meet the most demanding of translation-related needs, yet nimble enough to accommodate the needs of any corporate client. From sifting through databases and identifying important data on a case-by-case basis for e-discovery to quickly and efficiently translating legal and financial documentation in all file formats – all while following strict ISO-certified project managementquality management– and security procedures – EVS Translations can meet all your language needs when it comes to corporate crime.