31 May /12

How to localise flash games

 flash games
How to localise flash games

The process of localising flash games is a relatively new one, and there are few resources available to help automate it.

Most of the localisation tools available to automate and streamline the translation process for documents and software applications cannot be used for flash games projects Which means flash games localisation projects have to be completed manually.

The good news is, with proper and farsighted planning and methodology, flash games localisation projects can be complied efficiently. Read our selection of top considerations for establishing an efficient methodology for managing your flash games localisation process:

  • Confirm your target language/languages up front

At the start of the flash project, determine which regions/countries and languages you are targeting.

  • Use a standard system when compiling the game’s source code

Many developers develop their own systems and the variety of engines that can be used to compile the flash game’s source code is huge. For internationalising games it is good to use a standard system like Adobe Flash, FlashDeveloper, Flex 3 and the like.

  • Create a proper file structure

When delivering flash games, it is advisable to use a logical file structure enabling localisation vendors to find and group together all resources that require localisation and to separate the different language versions.

Manage all localisable elements properly in the library. The library has to be created in a way that clearly groups and identifies the different elements that have to be localised.

  • Have only one main flash game Shockwave Flash file (SWF)

There should only be one main game SWF file which should not contain any text, images or other attributes which need to be translated.

  • Use preloading resource SWF files

All resource SWF files should be preloaded by the flash game to ensure all resources are loaded before going to the main menu.

These SWFs should also not contain any text or images with text.

  • Externalise all in-game texts (plain text, images with text, hidden objects)

Do not place text directly in Flash files.

All in-game texts (plain text, menus, buttons, labels, dialogs, messages, hidden objects, etc.) should be stored in an external text file(s).

Working with externalised text ensures that localisation experts do not have to extract any text manually and then insert back after translation.

We recommend storing this externalized text content in Extensible Markup Language (XML) files.

  • Carefully select font set

Select font types that include all characters needed for all target languages (including numeric, alphabetic and special characters).

  • Plan on text and audio expansion

Since English is one of the shortest Latin languages, an average 30% text expansion can be expected in most target languages. Make sure the graphic design layout can be easily adjusted to the longer length of the translated text.

The same applies to audio. When a flash game contains audio voice tracks, plan on timeline scaling that will accommodate potentially longer localised audio.

  • Create instructions for the localisation experts

Prepare instructions that contain need-to-know information and create reference files that aid the localisation experts in localising the game more smoothly.

  • Do your quality assurance at an early stage

Plan for quality assurance sessions early on in your flash game development process to find and eliminate any inconsistencies and malfunctions before the localisation process starts. This will prevent having to re-localise after these inconsistencies and malfunctions are fixed.