24 Sep /19

“Machine Translation”: A Viable Solution for Law Firms?

“Machine Translation”: A Viable Solution for Law Firms?
Download EVS Translations’ white paper Language Technology for Law Firms

Many global businesses are experiencing growth in demand for translated content as they continue to enter and engage in new markets. This brings opportunities but also challenges.

Increasingly, companies are exploring the possibilities of automated translation, but for high-visibility content it is often simply wide-of-the-mark and underperforms in certain languages. Since, traditionally, the legal sector demands very high-quality translation, it tends to be more conservative in its approach to translation and translation technology when compared with other sectors. Machine translation (translations performed by artificial intelligence) is almost unthinkable as a solution for traditional legal translation work. Nevertheless, used in the right context, artificial intelligence can play a very effective role in the area of searching large volumes of unstructured data. AI programs trained to convert legal texts between languages can now produce a sufficient level of quality for the purposes of quickly identifying relevant information. They cannot match the expertise of a human, so relevant data should be formally translated by a professional legal translator, but the reduction in volumes and speed of processing means AI is an excellent solution when applied in the correct way.

This is an excerpt from EVS Translations’ white paper Language Technology for Law Firms. Download it today and find out how the combination of AI and human expertise can be carefully applied to data searching, thereby eliminating inefficiencies across spend, vendor management and data security: https://ptdrv.linkedin.com/ufduv7q