17 Jun /15

Translation without Translators – This Is Not the Future!

The translation industry is very different today than it was 30 years ago. Then a single translator translated at home using a typewriter and dictionaries she could afford.

Life in languages has since been revolutionized by the computer. The word processor was first. The translator now can change her text without having to type the page all over again just because she made one mistake. Dictionaries are no longer on the shelves but on-line. If a translator does not know a work, he can check it via the net. There is also specialized software that helps the translator remember everything that she has ever translated before.

All this makes translations much quicker and much more professional. Just ten years ago a translator worked at home on her own. Today she (the majority of translators are women) will work in a team with software costing 10,000 per person, be networked within a company and follow very strict rules about quality. Teamwork is very important and team members include experts on DTP and editors. Completely new types of jobs are being created

The EVS Translations IT expert Jon Flathmann comments “The future of the translation industry is exciting. In my department we have completely new jobs – DTP experts, formatting experts, alignment experts, video experts and voiceover experts. This is why EVS Translations has an advantage because it offers services to ensure that the client obtains solutions for his translations”. The new world is about video subtitling, SEO optimization of websites in many languages, working in formats like InDesign. And this new world is about combining translation with the other elements a client needs to provide solution. Jonathan continues, “The translation industry is expanding. Worldwide several 100,000 jobs can be created in the next 10 years, and Bulgaria is an excellent place for them. Here EVS Translations is a leader, providing services not only to Bulgarian clients but to big multinationals worldwide”.

Join us at the Evolution of Technical Communication conference this Friday, 19th  June, in Sofia, Bulgaria to learn more on the latest trends in software documentation and the future of the translation industry.