30 Apr /13


Sarin is a lethal nerve gas which has been classified as a weapon of mass destruction causing asphyxia – which may occur one minute after exposure.Continue reading Sarin

22 Apr /13


A word that has not quite made it into modern dictionaries and is not known all over the world, but people in Italy, Germany, Austria, Great Britain and the Vatican City are certainly familiar with its meaning.Continue reading Trapattoni-esque

17 Apr /13


Sadism originates from the French aristocrat, the Marquis de Sade, who spent over 30 years in prison or an asylum for sexual offenses including violence against women, incest, sodomy, poisoning with aphrodisiacs and having sex with minors.Continue reading Sadism

16 Apr /13


Shrapnel – named after Henry Shrapnel, an English army officer in the artillery who experimented to produce what he called a “spherical case shot”.Continue reading Shrapnel

15 Apr /13


The word volcano originates from the small volcanic island near to Sicily in Italy called Vulcano, which has experienced major eruptions for over 6,000 years.Continue reading Volcano