19 Feb /10

LICTRA 2010 – Translation & Interpretation

Edward Vick made a presentation at LICTRA 2010. LICTRA is organised by the University of Leipzig and was held from 19 to 21 May 2010. LICTRA is the ninth time the illustrious Leipzig International Conference on Translation & Interpretation Studies has been held.

Edward Vick – EVS Translations

In his talk The Arrogance of English, Edward Vick explored English as the world’s leading language for business. Major corporations worldwide report in English and perhaps in another language. Increasing globalisation is marginalising other languages. In almost all countries the key language combination for translations is English into local language and back. On almost every individual local market the major requirement is for a translation into the local language. A key question is whether this is done locally or the order is given by the big multinationals in their home countries. The LICTRA presentation gave specific information about other areas where English is the leading language – in aviation, computing, music, scientific publications, computing, cinema and diplomacy.

Edward Vick, Managing Director of EVS Translations, the leading company for financial translations talks about how English is gradually becoming the only language for the financial and business world.

For more information event, please visit the official LICTRA 2010 website.





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